Song review: Swim Deep - Very heaven

Swim Deep's "Very Heaven" isn't just a catchy melody; it's a shimmering soundscape woven with themes of overcoming obstacles and finding beauty amidst the chaos. The song's uplifting lyrics resonate with a hopeful spirit, urging the listener forward even in the face of hardship.

Lines like "one 2 three or make me believe" and "when everything's dark it'll be all right" act as a mantra, a promise that challenges can be surmounted. The music itself reflects this sentiment, with its bright, driving rhythm and airy vocals creating a sense of optimistic momentum.

While the lyrics acknowledge the existence of struggles, the overall tone leans towards a hopeful and upbeat perspective. It's a testament to Swim Deep's ability to craft an anthem that feels both relatable and encouraging, offering a sense of solace and a reminder that brighter days lie ahead.

Here are some additional aspects that contribute to the song's effectiveness:

  • Dreamy Soundscape: The instrumental layers in "Very Heaven" create a dreamy, almost ethereal atmosphere. This adds a layer of depth to the song, complementing the themes of hope and perseverance with a touch of sonic escapism.

  • Memorable Melody: The song's chorus is undeniably catchy, with its simple yet effective hook that easily burrows into your mind. This memorability further amplifies the message of hope, making it a tune that lingers long after the last note fades.

  • Broad Appeal: The themes explored in "Very Heaven" resonate with a wide audience. Anyone who has faced challenges or setbacks can find solace in the song's message of resilience and the promise of a brighter future.

In conclusion, "Very Heaven" is more than just a pop song; it's an experience that uplifts and inspires. Swim Deep masterfully blends catchy melodies with hopeful lyrics, creating a sonic tapestry that celebrates overcoming adversity and finding beauty even in the darkest of times.