Blink 182

Blink 182 - Enema Of The State
Published by: MCA Records
Published in: 1999
Release type: Full CD
About this Album:
This album is great and my fave album.
It includes alot of songs you may have heard a music channel; Kerrang like Whats my age again, all the small things, Aliens exist (doesn't have a music video but still a great song)!
By Billy (Greatest Blink 182 fan ever along with all the others)
P.s Anyone who likes blink 182 is a friend of mine!!!
3 Comments found
Saturday 28th of January 2006 08:36
The album is awsome! Ill start with the cover; its talks for itself really a hot nurse, who doesnt like that? The songs aswell are fab:"All the small things, Whats my age agen, Dumpweed, Aliens exist and Adams song" definatly the best tracks on the album and the other songs on it are also great. Sound quality is very good but isnt it always! i give it a 9/10 must have 4 all blink 182 fans. If youve neva heart blink 182 before youll be afan after hearing this album :wink:
Thursday 23rd of September 2004 15:34
It's the third or fourth (not really sure) album from Blink 182 (Mark Hoppus, Tom Delonge, Travis Barker) it has about 12 tracks i think, and its a cool kind of punk-rock.
I think it's the best album ever except for Bowling for soup's Hangover you don't deserve that is, and i never actually bought it, but a friend copied it for me, and i feel kind've guilty cos its so damn good. It includes the hit single all the small things and adam's song. My favourite track on it is dumpweed with its kickass intro.
Friday 13th of February 2004 02:00
this album consists of twelve tracks. blink 182 is a 3 piece modern-punk band and this album is quite long about 30 mins
This album rocks. It is a masterpiece of the modern punk era and probably the lightest and funniest of blink's albums. The only snags are the the bassist does(mark) not sing as much as he does in the new album and he has great vocals. If i had to to choose between this and the newest one(blink 182) i would choose this one.