Ancient Rites

Ancient Rites - Aris Ver 2 guitar tab

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Song  : Aris
Band  : Ancient Rites
CD    : Fatherland (1998)
Label : Mascot Records

G?nther Theys - Vocals, bass
Jan "?rkki" Yrlund - Guitars (acoustic & electric)
Erik Sprooten - Guitars
Walter van Cortenberg - Drums
Additional musician:
Oliver Philipps ? Keyboards

This is another song by the Flemish (Belgian) pride Ancient
Rites : Aris. I?ve seen this one tabbed some while ago too
And yet again a big disgrace ! No offence, but I don?t think
That tab was worth the effort. I?m not saying mine is, but
At least it?s a bit more accurate and detailed. I?m sure
There will be some things that I?ve forgotten or tabbed in-
Correctly but now you don?t have an excuse anymore NOT to
Make some AR covers ! Expect more AR tabs soon !

Visit for further info about the band !

Any Questions ? !

.  - palm mute           /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to       ~  - vibrato
h  - hammer on           b  - Bend
p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
t  - tap                 f  - full bend    h - half bend
ph - pinched harmonic    q  - quarter bend t - tap bend
*  - see comment         ^  - Hold bend    r release bend
x  - Stuccatto           ~  - vibrato bend
,  - slight palm mute    () - ghost note, sustained note
"  - tremolo note         - Trill

Time : 0.28
    . .                       . .

    . .                       . .




    . .                       . .
    . .                       . .



Time : 1.09
|    .         .         .   . .   .   .

|    .         .         .   . .   .   .

|    .         .         .   . .   .   .

|    .         .         .   . .   .   .

Time : 1.31
This is all tremelopicked. The amount of notes is not
correct of course, but I tried to get the relations
between the amount of notes right. Still getting me ?
The whole thing is repeated two times !               _
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|-555-777-888-777-555-7-5-----555-7777-8888----------- |
|-------------------------777------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|                                                      |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|-777-999-101010-999-777-9-7----------777-999-101010-- |
|----------------------------10101010----------------- |
|-----888-777-----777--------------------------------- |
|-777---------888-----555-777-888-777-555------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|                                                      |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|-----101010-999--------999--------------------------- |
|-999------------101010------777-999-101010-999-777--- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
                                                       | 2x
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|-7-5-----555-777-888-777----------------------------- |
|-----777-----------------444-666-777-666------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|                                                      |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|-9-7--------777-999-101010-999----------------------- |
|-----101010--------------------777-999-101010-999---- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|-222-444-555-444------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|                                                      |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |

Time : 1.54
The 2nd guitar is all tremelopicked. The amount of
notes is not correct of course, but I tried to get the
relations between the amount of notes right.








Time : 2.37
The **** part is tremelopicked ! The amount of notes
is not correct of course, but I tried to get the
relations between the amount of notes right.
|     .   . . .     .   . . .   .   . . .   . .

|     .   . . .     .   . . .   .   . . .   . .

|     .   . . .     .   . . .   .   . . .   . .

|     .   . . .     .   . . .   .   . . .   . .

|     .   . . .     .   . . .   .   . . .   . .

|     .   . . .     .   . . .   .   . . .   . .

|     .   . . .     .   . . .   .   . . .   . .

|     .   . . .     .   . . .   .   . . .   . .

|     .   . . .     .   . . .   .   . . .   . .

Time : 3.24
This is all tremelopicked. The amount of notes is not
correct of course, but I tried to get the relations
between the amount of notes right.                    _
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|-----101010-999-101010-----101010-999---------------- |
|-777-------------------777------------101010--------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
                                                       | 4x
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------888---------------- |
|-----101010-999-101010-----101010-----101010--------- |
|-777-------------------777--------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |

Time : 3.49
This is all tremelopicked except for the hammer-ons/
Pulloffs and single notes. The amount of notes is not
correct of course, but I tried to get the relations
between the amount of notes right.



Time : 4.01
This is all tremelopicked. The amount of notes is not
correct of course, but I tried to get the relations
between the amount of notes right.                    _
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|-----101010-999-101010-----101010-999---------------- |
|-777-------------------777------------101010--------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
                                                       | 2x
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------888---------------- |
|-----101010-999-101010-----101010-----101010--------- |
|-777-------------------777--------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |

Time : 4.15



Time : 4.27
On the second repeat the tabbed out backing is repeated
Twice, but because I didn?t have enough space to tab
The whole thing in one bar. Ofcourse the timing doesn?t
Correspond with the backing anymore but it?s already
Given in the first bar.
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|----------------------------------------------------- |
|---------44-4------------dudud----------------------- | 2x
|-22-2----44-4----55-5----44444-4-4------------------- |
|-22-2----22-2-22-55-5----44444-4-4------------------- |
| ..   .. ..   .. ..   .. .....

Time : 4.45
I can?t quiet figure out if there is a backing with
This riff and if so it?s very hard to distinguish it
From the rest of the sound so I don?t think anyone
Will mind if I just tab out the main riff.


Time : 4.58
This is all tremelopicked. The amount of notes is not
correct of course, but I tried to get the relations
between the amount of notes right.
|------------------------(two one?s !)----------------

|------------------------(two one?s !)----------------
Get this song at:


Author: ?

Composer: ?

Publisher: ?


Language: English

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