Zao (band)

Zao (band) - End Of His World guitar tab

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Song:End Of His World
Drop D a whole step down (DAFCGC)


F  |-141414-14141414-14-14--|
C  |--x x x--x x x x--x--x--|    repeat X4
G  |-121212-12121212-12-12--|
C  |------------------------|


C  |--3-2-O-6-3-5--3-3p2pO-6-3-5--|
G  |--3-2-O-6-3-5--3-3p2pO-6-3-5--|   repeat X4
C  |--3-2-O-6-3-5--3-3p2pO-6-3-5--|


     repeat X3           then this X1

F  |--55/-777-777-777/ |--1414-14-141414-14--|
C  |--xx/-xxx-xxx-xxx/ |---x x--x--x x x--x--|  all of this X3 and go back to chorus
G  |--33/-555-555-555/ |--1212-12-121212-12--|
C  |-----------------------------------------|

    "The End oF His World"

     repeat X3            this once
F  |------------1414--| |------------14\1515--|
C  |--14\O-14\O--x x--| |--14\O-14\O--x\ x x--|
G  |--14\O-14\O-1212--| |--14\O-14\O-12\1313--|
C  |--14\O-14\O-------| |--14\O-14\O----------|

      then this X1          this X3
F  |---------151515--|  |-----------151515--|
C  |--3-2-O---x x x--|  |--14\3p2pO--x x x--|
G  |--3-2-O--131313--|  |--14\3p2pO-131313--|
C  |--3-2-O----------|  |--14\3p2pO---------|

       this X1            this X3
F  |--------141414--|  |-----------141414--|
C  |--3-2-O--x x x--|  |--14\3p2pO--x x x--|
G  |--3-2-O-121212--|  |--14\3p2pO-121212--|
C  |--3-2-O---------|  |--14\3p2pO---------|

      finally this X4
F  |-----------151515--|
C  |--14\3p2pO--x x x--|   and back to the chorus X2
G  |--14\3p2pO-131313--|
C  |--14\3p2pO---------|

     hold this out and then...
C  |--1~1~--|
G  |--1~1~--|
C  |--1~1~--|

         this x4 and back to holding out the 1,back to this x4,
F  |--1414--------1414----------------| and end on the first
C  |---x x-x-14\O--x x-O-14\O-O-14\O--| fret on the low C and
G  |--1212-x-14\O-1212-O-14\O-O-14\O--| then wack some harmonics
C  |-------x-14\O------O-14\O-O-14\O--| on the 5th and 7th frets
pm         .           .      .
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Composer: ?

Publisher: ?


Language: English

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