The Living End
The Living End - Table Top Show guitar tab
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Table Top Show -THE LIVING END-, cd,Hellbound. Tabbed by Michael Fryar , ~=bend,pull s=slide p=pull-off Intro:, Slide from 12thfret E to 2nd fret. E - E - F# - G (x6) - B~ Verse: E - E - F# - G (x8) A - A - B - C (x4) E - E - F# - G (x2) B - B - B - B - C E - E - F# - G (x2) B - B~ B - B - B - C - B *repeat chords as many times as needed* Chorus: E - G - A - C (x2) *strum chords as many times as needed* Intro Verse Chorus Solo: *not entirly correct but a very close example* *learn each section at a time* e---------------------:------------:----------------------- b---9-----------------:------------:----------------------- g---9--9~-9-7---------:---------7~-:-------------12-14~14~- d---9---------9-7-----:-----7h9----:-------12-14----------- a-7-7-------------9-7-:-7h9--------:-12-14----------------- e---------------------:------------:----------------------- e----------------12-14-12-:------------------:-------------------------- b-------12-14-15----------:------------------:-------------------------- g-12-14-------------------:-9p7--------------:-------------------------- d-------------------------:-----7~-7777779~7-:-8s9-9-8s-9-9-8s9-9-8s9-9- a-------------------------:------------------:-------------------------- e-------------------------:------------------:-------------------------- e-------------------------------------:--------------------------- b-------------------------------------:---9~9~---9~9~---9--------- g-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-:-7-9~9~-7-9~9~-7-9-7------- d-------------------------------------:--------------------9-7---- a-------------------------------------:-----------------------9-7- e-------------------------------------:---------------------------.*like I said, it isnt all correct but it`s a close example of the real solo.* Bridge: A - C E - F# - G(x4) A - C - B - C - B *strum chords as many times as needed* Chorus Intro End on Em (do an open Em shape but only strum the E,A and D strings.)