
Sentenced - Drown Together guitar tab

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                            SENTENCED: Drown Together
                             From the Album Frozen
                             1998 - Century Media
                           Version 1.0 - March 2002

Transcribed by: (Matt Sisto) + (

  . - palm mute                      hb =half bend
  / - slide up                       hr =half bend and release
  \ - slide down
  h - hammer on	                     fb =full bend
  p - pull off                       fr =full bend and release
  ~ - vibrato
(5) - ghost note, sustained note
  x - percussive mute, mute
  t - tap
  ? - natural harmonic
  ^ - pinch harmonic
  " - tremolo picking


1st verse
   ........ ........ ........ ........
   ........ ........ .......     ..

play 4 times under lead

1st and 2nd time over rythme

3rd and 4th time over rythme

2nd verse (play twice)
   ........ ........ ........ ........
   ........ ........ .......     ..



chorus (play twice)

1st time over rythme

2nd time over rythme

3rd verse (play once)
   ........ ........ ........ ........
   ........ ........ .......     ..





prelude to solo (play twice)


verse riff played once under solo                                                                    |
   ........ ........ ........ ........
   ........ ........ .......     ..

                      .         .
|--5-(let ring)--------------------------------------------------------|

chorus and endings
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Author: Sami Lopakka

Composer: Miika Tenkula, Sentenced

Publisher: Magic Arts Publishing


Released in: 2009

Language: English

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