Savage Garden
Savage Garden - Two Beds And A Coffee Machine guitar tab
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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Courier New;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\par \ul Two Beds And A Coffee Machine by Savage Garden\ulnone\par \par \ul Intro (piano arranged for guitar)\par \ulnone\par \par |-------------5---------7----------9-----------7-----------5--------------------------9-----------7----------5---------------------------|\par |----7----------------------------------------------------------------------7----------------------------------------------------------------|\par |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\par |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\par |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\par |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\par \par |-------------5---------7----------9-----------7-----------5--------------------------9-----------7----------5---------------------------|\par |----7----------------------------------------------------------------------7------------------------------------------------------5---------|\par |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\par |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\par |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\par |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\par \ul\par \ulnone then:\par \pard\tx0\tx959\tx1918\tx2877\tx3836\tx4795\tx5754\tx6713\tx7672\tx8631\lang2057\f1\par A D E X2\par \par Verse\par D\par And she takes another step\par A E D\par Slowly she opens the door\par A E\par Check that he is sleeping\par D A D\par Pick up all the broken glass and furniture on the floor\par A E D \par Been up half the night screaming now it\rquote s time to get away\par A E D\par Pack up the kids in the car\par A \par Another bruise to try and hide\par E\par Another alibi to write\par \par Chorus\par A\par Another ditch in the road \par D E\par You keep moving\par A\par Another stop sign\par D E D\par You keep moving on\par A E D\par And the years go by so fast \par A E\par Wonder how I ever made it through\par \par \par A D E X2\par \par \par Verse\par D\par And there are children to think of\par A E D\par Baby\rquote s asleep in the backseat\par D A E\par Wonder how they\rquote ll ever make it through this living nightmare\par A E D\par But the mind is an amazing thing\par D A E \par Full of candy dreams and new toys and another cheap hotel\par A E D\par Two beds and a coffee machine\par A \par But there are groceries to buy\par E \par And she knows she\rquote ll have to go home \par \par \par Chorus\par A\par Another ditch in the road \par D E\par You keep moving\par A\par Another stop sign\par D E D\par You keep moving on\par A E D\par And the years go by so fast\par A E \par Wonder how I ever made it through\par \par A D E X2 \par \par D A E X2\par \par \par Pre \endash Chorus\par \par D \par Another bruise to try and hide\par A\par Another alibi to write\par D A\par Another lonely highway in the black of night \par D\par But there\rquote s hope in the darkness\par E \par You know you\rquote re going to make it\par \par Chorus\par \par Another ditch in the road \par D E\par You keep moving\par A\par Another stop sign\par D E D\par You keep moving on\par A E D\par And the years go by so fast\par A E D\par Silent fortress built to last\par A E\par Wonder how I ever made it \par A D E \par Ohhhhhhhh\par A D E A\par Hmmmmm\par \pard\lang1033\ul\f0\par \ulnone Sorry about the lack of the piano at the beginning but couldn't work it all out! \par \par I realise someone tabbed exactly the same chords as I did for this song, so any complaints about the \par identification will not be recognized, i make no apology.\par \par The song is beautiful, so enjoy! Regards, Richie5 (don't like leaving real name)\ul\par }