Misc Irish (Ierse muziek)

Misc Irish (Ierse muziek) - Tipperarytown guitar chord

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From: Wes Jester 
Subject: /IRISH/TipperaryTown.crd
To: jamesb@animal-farm.nevada.edu (jamesb@nevada.edu)
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 93 9:22:53 EDT
Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85]

                                    Tipperary Town
                                                 CAPO  none

          A7      D                        D7                       G
          Are you going across to Ireland, will you take me in your car,
                                  D            A7
          I'm sure you'll find my conversation sound,
                D                         D7         G
          I can pay my way entirely, I'll enjoy your company,
                              A7        D
          Leave me off in any Tipperary town.


          Leave me on the road to Nenagh, Hear the rippling Shannon call,
          Where the Arragh mountains meet the Silvermines,
          I'd be happy too in Cahir, where the Galtee shadows fall,
          I'm at home in any Tipperary town.


          I relive again the memories of times I used to know,
          When I let the wandering thought invade my mind,
          And the little town of Enly I left so long ago,
          How I rue the day I left them all behind.

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Language: English

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