Melt Banana
Melt Banana - Free The Bee bass tab
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Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 16:01:49 -0400 From: UltimateAnime99 Subject: m/melt_banana/free_the_bee.btab Bass Tabalature For Melt-Banana "Free The Bee" Song by Melt-Banana Tabbed by Thomas Croskery "" ? ? ? ? ? G----------------|??????? G-----| D-----1-1-1-1-1--|??????? D-3---| A--1-3-----------| x15??? A--3--| 4x | rest | E-3--------------|??????? E---3-| ? ? ? G----------------|??????? G-----| D-----1-1-1-1-1--|??????? D-3---| A--1-3-----------| x23??? A--3--| 4x | rest | E-3--------------|??????? E---3-| ? G------------|????????? G-----||------------|????? |-Pickup note-| D------------|????????? D-----||------------|???? O|-----1-------| A-4-4-4--4-4-| | rest | A-1h3-||1h3-1h3p1h3-| x23 O|-------------| E------------|????????? E-----||------------|????? |-------------| ? G-----|???????????????? G-------------------------| D-3---|???????????????? D-4-----4-----4s(15)------| A--3--| 4x? | rest |??? A---4-4---4-4-------------| E---3-|???????????????? E-------------------------|