Lynyrd Skynyrd

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama (Guitar Tab 2) lyrics

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>From (Shawn M Gabel)
Subject: TAB: Sweet Home Alabama

Her the first part of Sweet Home Alabama as it appeared
in GW several years ago.

                   pm -- palm muted
                   po -- pull off
                   ls -- legato slide (first note picked only)
                    x -- fret hand muting (percusive tone)
                    s -- when under the tabs it indicates sixteenth notes
                    t -- trill, fast hammer-on pull-off combination

Moderate  100bpm    4/4 time

Gtr. 1     measure 1  Section A
                                spoken "turn it up!"
     D          Csus2              G
                pm                 pm          po     po     po

Gtr. 2     measure 1
                                                          ss s s

Gtr. 1     measure 3
                                            pm                 pm          po    po

Gtr. 2     measure 3

  |--legato phrasing--------------|~~~~~~vibrato~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|

Gtr. 1     measure 5
   D                              G
                   pm                          po    po    po

Gtr. 2     measure 5
 Riff A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   let ring---|     let ring---|  let ring---------------------|
                                               ls         t

Gtr. 1     measure 7
   D                              G
                   pm                          ls

Gtr. 2     measure 7
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Riff A ends++|
   let ring---|     let ring---|
|-------------------------Gtr. 1     measure 9   Section B (Verses begin here and so does D.S.)
 1.Big   wheels    keep   on    turnin'
 2.Well I heard Mister Young sing about her
 3.In Birmingham they  love the govnor'           boo     hoo
 4.Now muscle shoals has got the swamp us
    D            Csus2             G          po            po

Gtr. 2     measures 9-15 follows Riff A (played 2 times)

Gtr. 1     measure 11
 Carry me home  to  see my  kin
 Well I heard old Neil put 'er down
 hoo Now we all did what we could   do
 An' they been known to pick a song or two
   D             Cadd2              G

Gtr. 1     measure 13
 Singin' songs about the southland
 Well I hope Neil Young will remember
 Now Watergate  does   not   bother    me
 Lord they get me off  so    much
  D             Csus2               G

Gtr. 1     measure 15
 I miss ole 'Bamee once again       I think it's   a sin  yes
 A southern man don't need him
 Does your conscience bother you
 They pick me up when I'm feelin' blue
   D            Cadd2               G


From: (Gregory Higgins)
Subject: Re: EASY crd/tab: SWEET HOME

Here is a very easy way to play Sweet Home Alabama. It is NOT EXACTLY
the way they do it, but it is very close and sounds good to me.

AUTHOR'S NOTE:  h - denotes hammer on
                p - denotes pull off


The following riff is the INTRO (I think they play it twice)

     D         C                  G
					     ^from here to the end of the
					      measure play quickly


During the VERSES you can just repeat the following two measures,
or play the INTRO measures if you like the picking.

         D             C                 G


During the CHORUS I repeat the following four measures (again, you could
substitute the picking of the intro instead of strumming the chords).

         D             C                 G

         D             C

NOTE:  About the neat little riff between the verses and the solo,
       well I don't have them figured out yet.  Does anyone else?

Here are the lyrics, just in case.


Big wheels keep on turning,
carry me home to see my kin
singing songs about the southland.
I miss ole bamy once again and I think it's a sin.   Yes.

Well, I heard Mister Young sing about her.
Well, I heard ole Neil put her down.
Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
a southern man don't need him around anyhow.

      Sweet home Alabama where the skies are so blue.
      Sweet home Alabama, Lord, I'm coming home to you.

In Birmingham they love the Gov'nor.  Oooh hoo hoo.
Now we all did what we could do.
Now Watergate does not bother me.
Does your conscience bother you, tell the truth.

      Sweet home Alabama where the skies are so blue.
      Sweet home Alabama, Lord, I'm coming home to you.

Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers
and they ve been known to pick a song or two.
Lord, they get me off so much,
they pick me up when I'm feeling blue, now how about you.

      Sweet home Alabama where the skies are so blue.
      Sweet home Alabama, Lord, I'm coming home to you.

      Sweet home Alabama where the skies are so blue.
      Sweet home Alabama, Lord, I'm coming home to you.

Added bonus:
Here are the chords to FREEBIRD:
|G  D |Em   |F  C  |D    |

|D    |A7   |D     |E7   A7|D     |G  E7  |D    |A7    |
and chorus:
|D    |A7   |D     |A7     |

\_  \_  \_  \_  \_  \_  \_  \_

    \_\_\_      \_      \_
   \_            \_      \_
   \_             \_      \_
    \_   \_\_\_    \_\_\_\_\_
     \_       \_    \_      \_
       \_     \_     \_      \_
	 \_\_\_       \_      \_

 \_  \_  \_  \_  \_  \_  \_  \_  \_  \_

"If Rush (Limbaugh that is) says it, it HAS to be true."
Get this song at:


Author: ?

Composer: ?

Publisher: ?


Language: English

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14 Comments found


Saturday 28th of May 2005 09:22

Sorry, but the entry guitar riff is played mostly in arpeggiated 5 chords using strings 543. You need to listen carefully for the string tones to identify where you are on the neck.Thes guys where all competent barre chord players and rarely used open chord positions. Anyway, keep listening and trying.


Monday 20th of December 2004 13:45

Its a good tab but it needs to include /, and () in the key. I'm not sure what they mean.


Wednesday 17th of November 2004 01:21

nice one man. its a great tab


Monday 21st of June 2004 19:12

wow, good job man, amazing

lax dude

Monday 9th of February 2004 20:52

good job man thanks :smiley:


Monday 9th of June 2003 19:29

Dear Sir/Madam who wrote this tab.

Good job,... this is the CLOSEST I have seen on the internet to the actual original peice... but , still not exact. After talking with Gary Rossington in the mid-70's and Steve Gaines, also at the same time,... we came to the following conclusion. The music you hear on the radio, is the same ol version over and over, problem being, you never hear the heart put into it.... listen to some of the original skynyrd's live concerts, sometimes they play the same song 4 or 5 times, every time it kicks ass, sounds different, but still keeps that kickass southern rock beer drinking pot smoking sound it's known and loved for. THAT is the secret to playing skynyrd's songs, not some tab you download.

However as for the recorded version, it is literally IMPOSSIBLE for any one person to play all of the lead by him/her self. Skynyrd had 3 lead guitarist, all playing at the same time,... that is WHY his songs KICKED ASS...

If you could divide the tab into parts,... and have 3 kickass guitarist play it, then it would kick ass too.

Sorry if I sound harsh, please don't take what I'm saying as insults, just experience with the people who did it originally...

Feel free to email me with SKYNYRD in the subject line if you have any questions.



Wednesday 4th of June 2003 02:47

don't hate cause you people can tab.


Thursday 22nd of May 2003 01:36

I've yet to figure out how to write "tab," but I'm going to ATTEMPT it for the first time right now. For what it's worth, the following little diddy is the intro. I've played with Gary Rossington and Randall Hall on a few occasions and finally learned how to play the intro correctly. Enjoy!


* *

* = Indicates a fast afternote. This tab shows the afternote one octave above what other tabs show, which is actually where it's played.



All notes up until the "0-0-etc" part are played within the timeslice of two beats, using sixteenth notes. If you play these notes correctly and with the right timing (VERY important), you'll know exactly where this fill fits and where the "0-0-etc" is going.

Give it a whirl and let me know what you think. I can be reached at


Tuesday 20th of May 2003 20:52



Friday 25th of April 2003 01:01

nice tab . gj this song ROCKS!


Monday 21st of April 2003 23:13

This tab has been VERY useful in helpin me get this song down. Thanks.



Sunday 16th of March 2003 01:10

In Birmingham they don't luv the guvna'

and it's "boo - Boo - boo" :sob:

(they thought he was a racist pig and were very
much against what he stood for)

the tab was very helpful in teaching me this
classic song from a great 'ol band.

:smiley: thanks Houston



Saturday 2nd of November 2002 14:01

I'd like to add this little riff between the corus and verse !

------------------ ------------------ ------------------
----------7----7-- ------------5--5-- ------------------
----------7----7-- ------------5--5-- ------------------
-7h8h9------------ --9\7-5/7-------- ---7\0(let ring)-
------------------ ------------------ ------------------

Sunday 31st of March 2002 00:14

Hey, this TAB is 100% according to my Lynard Skynard book. Good job.