Green Day

Green Day - Bullet in a Bible
Published by: Reprise Records
Published in: 2005
Release type: Full CD
About this Album:
THE BEST CD DVD EVER! It is an absolutely amazing event green days best concert ever. All of their great songs r on it such as
American Idiot-10\10 best song on the american idiot album
Jesus Of Seburbia-10\10 great song a true masterpiece
Holiday-10\10 another great song a Fuck u to george bush
Are We The Waiting-9\10 another great slow song off american idiot
St. Jimmy-13\10 funny lyrics great song
Longview-15\10 great bass and drums
Hitchin' A Ride-10\10 a sorely underappreciated song very good
Brain Stew-14\10 a typical green day song great everything
Basketcase-20\10 quite possibly the best green day song EVER
King For A Day\Shout-10\10 not one of their best songs but the way they play it makes it much better
Wake Me Up When September Ends-10\10 great guitar with probably their best solo
Minority-20\10 best song on warning the album flopped but the song is awesome
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams-9\10 alright song not one of their best
Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)-100\10 absolutely the best fuckin green day song EVER no question AMAZING
11 Comments found
Wednesday 2nd of August 2006 15:25
If anyone says this is an OK album, they're crazy. This album ROCKS. I'm not usually into live CD's, but this has a real 'do what you feel like' vibe, and that is recipe for one hell of an album. I wish they played 'Deadbeat Holiday' but you can't have everything. The DVD is even better with parts they missed out on the CD, and it has some, erm, 'intimate' scenes with Billie Joe and the audience. I defintly recommend this album to anyone, even if they're not fans of punk rock!
Thursday 27th of July 2006 06:25
This album is totally AWESOME!!!!!! I love it so much! Billie Joe was so $HOT$ on stage. Hitching A Ride has always been my favourite song and when I heard Billie Joe sing that song, I tell you I was like so swept away! I really love that part when he sings "There's a drought at the fountain of youth and now I'm dehydrating. My tounge is swelling up I say (pause for a moment and then he screams) SHIT!!!" thats the best part ever! That concert was really different from his other concerts that I saw. This album is just totally got to be bought!
Monday 29th of May 2006 11:35
I love this dvd. it's sooo unique, their is no other dvd like it!!! Green day is the best ONE OF A KIND
It's a must buy for soul greenday fans or just punk rock fans. Its very loud and different just what punk rock music is supposed to be .
HAV TO OWN!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday 11th of May 2006 03:34
I bought this album and dvd only because i love green day, and do you know what they never sceese (?) to supprise me cause it was awesome, the actual footage would have to be the best, it just let us see how they really think about their music and the industry. The quality of the footage was great, and i personally would have to say that longview was my favorite! that song is just so heart felt and one of my many favorites!! so thankyou again greenday you are still amazingly awesome!!!
Friday 21st of April 2006 20:24
Green Day is the best band ever...But I hate it when people say crap about them when they don't even know them.. They probably listened to one of their songs and thought.. This band blows.. But they haven't heard nearly anything.. Well my point is Bullet In A Bible is one of the best CD/DVD's they ever made! So buy it! I would but I already have it. XD GREEN DAY ROCKS!
Wednesday 5th of April 2006 08:30
This is the best dvd/cd disc i've ever bought. I'm not normally a fan of live music but i heard this at a mates house and went out and bought it straight away. thourghly enjoyable.
Go and buy it!!
Saturday 18th of March 2006 19:34
This is fantastic! Absolutely great!
It's like I was actually there. I completely enjoyed watching it. Buy it!
Thursday 9th of March 2006 18:58
IT ROCKS! IT rOCKS!IT ROCKS! I'd say their best concert next to the pop disaster tour of '01. their happy, crazy, and spontanious attitude and humer makes the dvd freakishly enjoyable. BUY IT!!!!
Wednesday 8th of March 2006 03:50
This is one of the greatest live albums ever! The energy and passion of each song is awesome. A must have for any greenday fan or just a fan or really good music.
Saturday 4th of March 2006 18:53
Sucked. The others were much better. Don't buy it. I loved every other one. Buy dookie!
Sunday 1st of January 2006 15:55
Uh...I found the album just the "above average concert DVD/CD". I'm not just saying that because i really like Green Day, but yeah, i thought it wasn't the best. the interviews were, uh, "informative" in a punk way. the concert was just like being there. sort of, o_O
i would reccommend it to anybody that really likes green day that has been to their concerts, except for those who've been in the mosh pit. it gives you a small idea of what its like AT the mosh pit. pretty cool, actually. sorry, no censors here! hey, i thought the music was great, billie, mike, and tre were really having fun with it. my favorite part was the king for a day performance. when i went to their concert, i really didn't get a glimpse of billie wearing a crown because i was in the balcony. i found it really fun and energetic. the interviews like i said were great, in a strange kind of way. billie talks about the characters in american idiot, mike talks about the band and the whole goof-around thing, and tre...? yeah, he was just being wierd. buy the DVD and see it for yourself. i'm just here to tell you what i thought of it.