Freddie Hart
Freddie Hart - Easy Loving guitar chord
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# # # Date: 1/3/97; 11:31:41 AM From: Subject: Easy Loving by Freddie Hart Song is in Key of F Capo in 3rd Fret Play key D Easy Loving VERSE 1: (D)Eas-y lov-ing, (G)so sex-y (D)look-ing (G)I know from the (D)feel-ing (E7)That it comes from the (A7)heart (D)Eas-y lov-ing (G)Ev-'ry day's thanks-(D)giving (G)To count all my (D)bless-ings (A7)I would-n't know where to (D)start VERSE 2 (D)Ev-'ry (G)time I look you o-ver So (D)real to life it seems Up-(G)on your pret-ty shoul-ders There's a (D)pair of an-gel (A)wings BRIDGE: (D)Eas-y lov-ing, (G)see-ing's be-(D)liev-ing (G)Life with you's like (D)liv-ing (A7)In a beau-ti-ful (G)dream REPEAT VERSE 2: