Flaw - Inner Strength bass tab
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Band: Flaw Song: Inner Strength Album: Through The Eyes Tabber: Brent Zimniuch (OTVbassist98) Im not sure if this is completely accurate, but i guarentee its the best Flaw bass tab you'll see online. Oh yeah It is for a 5 string I dunno if there is any way around it, sorry. If your find any problems or suggestions for this tab feel free to e-mail me at wpbz98182@hotmail.com. THIS SONG IS TUNED A HALF STEP DOWN I FORGOT TO INCLUDE IT. THE TAB IS CORRECT AS WRITTEN. p-pull-off h-hammeron / \- slide up/ down r- let ring ~- vibrato (lol) x- muted notes INTRO (0:12) g:--------- d:--------- a:--------- e:--------- B:-2///////15--- VERSE RIFF g:-------------------------------------------------------|--------------- d:-------------------------------------------------------|--------------- a:-------------------------------------------------------|--------------- e:-------------------------------------------------------|--------------- B:-2222r-2222r-2-3----()2222r-2222r-2-3~-()---|-2222-2222-- ok this could be kinda confusing but here it goes: play the riff minus the part after the hash-marks once then the second time you go through it dont play the part in between the () and replace it w/ the part after the hash marks. BLAH! CHORUS g:-------------------------------------- d:-------------------------------------- a:-------------------------------------- e:-------------------------------------- B:-1--1-xx-1-x6x-8-8x-4x-6x-0x-1--- PRE-VERSE g:------------------------------------------------------------ d:------------------------------------------------------------ a:------------------------------------------------------------ e:------------------------------------------------------------ B:-0h2-2--0h2-2-2-3-0h2-2-0h2-2-3~------------------- BRIDGE g:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- d:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a:-1h2/4-4--1h2/4-4-4h5--1h2/4-4--1h2/4/-16h17p16-14h16--1h2/4-4--1h2/4-4-4h5-1h2/4-4-1h2/4- e:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRIDGE cont... g:------- d:------- a:-------- e:-------- B:-6-4-3- ORDER: INTRO X1 VERSE X 3 CHORUS X 4 PRE VERSE X2 (SECOND TIME MINUS THE -4~-) VERSE X 2 CHORUS X 4 VERSE RIFF X 1 BRIDGE X 1 CHORUS X 8 SHORT REST VERSE RIFF X1 PRE VERSE RIFF X1 END W/ B:-3333-3333 and your done sorry about how onfusing that has to be but once you memorize the order its pretty easy.