Dryve - Rain guitar tab
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Rain Dryve Thrifty Mr. Kickstar copyright 1997 SaraBellum Records tabbed by: Joshua Craig jcraig@redriverok.com Hopefully this will help those of you who needed the finger picking part. tune guitar down 1/2 step (as per the entire album) C Gsus Am F? e--0-- --3-- --0-- --3-- b--1-- --3-- --1-- --1-- g--0-- --0-- --2-- --2-- d--2-- --0-- --2-- --3-- a--3-- --2-- --0-- ----- E----- --3-- ----- ----- C Gsus Am F? e----------0-----------3-----------0-----------3------------- b------------1-----------3-----------1-------1---1----------- g--------0-----0-----------0-----2-----2---2------2---------- d-----2--------------0---------2---------3------------------- a--3---------------2---------0------------------------------- E----------------3------------------------------------------- REPEAT ABOVE AS NEEDED then there's the bridge: (listen to the CD to get the exact rhythm amd # of times to play) Am G Am G Am G F? It then returns to the finger picking section. Have a wonderful day. Joshua R. Craig