Clare Bowditch

Clare Bowditch - When The Lights Went Down lyrics

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hii-iiiiii-iiii oh
This won't bring our dog back,
this won't unstitch time,
and if i had a dollar now for everytime time i'd 
hollared out your name,
I'd buy us a wordmine
And at our mine she'd be rubies,
deep and down,
you'd find pearls,
coz underneath this cave,
there are a thousand crashing waves,
one of them knows you,
When the lights went down you shined,
like a mirror train at dawn,
with your back carriages closed,
yet the front ones,
always on show,
this won't bring our dog back,
this will not unstitch time,
yet deep inside the rabbit's heart where all the 
windows pull apart,
the sun will making me diamonds,
and you lay them on the foreshore,
for your girl's mother to see,
thinking underneath this cave,
there are a thousand crashing waves,
one of them annoys me,
When the lights went down,
you shone,
like a mirror train at dawn,
with your back carriages closed,
and your front ones always on show,
from the thirteenth pillar at dawn,
the moon looked on,
she looked on,
with our dog alive in her arms,
hi-iiiiiiii-iiiiii oh oh
When the lights went down,
you shone,
like a mirror train at dawn,
with your back carriages closed,
yet your front ones always on show 

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