Bottomed Out

Bottomed Out - Hamgo guitar tab

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Song: Hamgo
Artist: Bottomed Out
Album: Your Pictures On My Wall (with before i go)
Transcribed by: el kabong (
Date: 9/5/01
I chose to tab this song because Bottomed Out is a really cool local punk band from detroit.
I got their/before i go's cd at a Before I Go show with Household Punx and Common Folly. I
really liked Before I Go, and then when I got this cd, I liked Bottomed Out just as much.
So if you haven't heard them, d/l this song. Check out their site,  they have some songs to download there. So here's the tab. The
timing's kinda hard, so listen to the song for it. I believe in to be entirely correct. Have fun,
 and good luck.
-El Kabong
Tuning: Standard (E-A-D-G-B-E)

pm - palm mute
h - hammer on

Riff 1
E |-----------------------------------|
B |--3-5-6-6-3-5-6-6-3-5-6-6-3-5-6-6--|
G |-----------------------------------|
D |-----------------------------------|
A |-----------------------------------|
E |-----------------------------------|

Riff 2 (Strum Chords)
E |---|---|----|---|----|---|
B |---|---|----|---|----|---|
G |-7-|---|-10-|-9-|-10-|-9-|
D |-7-|-8-|-10-|-9-|-10-|-9-|
A |-5-|-8-|-8--|-7-|-8--|-7-|
E |---|-6-|----|---|----|---|

Riff 3
E |-------------------|
B |--6-6-5-5-6-6-8-8--|
G |-------------------|
D |-------------------|
A |-------------------|
E |-------------------|

Riff 4
E |---------------------55555555--33333333--55-3--|
B |--66666666--33333333---------------------------|
G |-----------------------------------------------|
D |-----------------------------------------------|
A |-----------------------------------------------|
E |-----------------------------------------------|

Riff 5
E |------------------------------|
B |------------------------------|
G |--7-7--7-7--7-7--7-7-7-5-3-2--|
D |--7-7--7-7--7-7--7-7-7-5-3-2--|
A |--5-5--5-5--5-5--5-5-5-3-1-0--|
E |------------------------------|
     pm . . . . . . . . . . . .

Riff 6
E |----------------------------|
B |----------------------------|
G |--7-7--7-7--7-7--7-7--10-8--|
D |--7-7--7-7--7-7--7-7--10-8--|
A |--5-5--5-5--5-5--5-5--8--6--|
E |----------------------------|
     pm . . . . . . . .

Riff 7
E |--------------------|
B |--------------------|
G |--7--12--10--9--10--|
D |--7--12--10--9--10--|
A |--5--10--8---7--8---|
E |--------------------|

Riff 8
E |----------------------|
B |----------------------|
G |--7--12--10--9-9-9-8--|
D |--7--12--10--9-9-9-8--|
A |--5--10--8---7-7-7-6--|
E |----------------------|
               pm . . .

Riff 9 (strum chords)
E |---|----|----|---|----|---|
B |---|----|----|---|----|---|
G |-7-|-12-|-10-|-9-|-10-|-9-|
D |-7-|-12-|-10-|-9-|-10-|-9-|
A |-5-|-10-|-8--|-7-|-8--|-7-|
E |---|----|----|---|----|---|

Riff 10
E |-------------------------------|
B |-------------------------------|
G |--77-----55-----33-----55------|
D |--77-5h7-55-5h7-33-5h7-55-5h7--|
A |--55-----33-----11-----33------|
E |-------------------------------|
     pm     pm     pm     pm

Riff 11 (strike hard)
E |--------------|
B |--------------|
G |--7--7--7--7--|
D |--7--7--7--7--|
A |--5--5--5--5--|
E |--------------|

Fill 1 (let ring out)
E |-----|
B |-----|
G |--7--|
D |--7--|
A |--5--|
E |-----|

Riff 1  x4
Get this song at:


Author: ?

Composer: ?

Publisher: Pest Records


Released in: 2001

Language: English

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