Bolchi - city trippin' lyrics
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My soul ain't the best there is, but it's all i got 4 now. I was born from this very soil, but u give me no room to boil city trippin, my own way to get down, ct, the only way to find my sound, ct, my own way to be cool, ct, the only way to kill u, u fool let's not burry all our banners, let me play until i tease, i won't live up to your standards, i won't do whatever u please, i never ever will, i never ever wil, i never ever will, i never ever will. i will shoot u down the fogg, if u keep on acting like an old dog, i will shoot u, i will shoot u, i will shoot u, awa city trippin, my own way to get down, ct, the only way to find my sound, ct, my own way to be cool, ct, the only way to kill u, u fool Tekst en muziek: Jeroen De Pessemier