Biography for El?bieta Adamiak
El?bieta Maria Adamiak-Poniedzielska
(born 5th Sept. 1955, Lodz)
Polish singer, composer and guitar player in the genre characteristic for Central Europe, called "poezja ?piewana", i.e. "sung poetry".
Her most famous song is Jesienna zaduma (Autumn Musing).
She learnt to play the piano as a child and in a musical secodary school she took up the guitar.
She studied sociology, first in her home town Lodz, then in Cracow. She quit after 3 years of studying to devote her life entirely to singing.
She had her debut in 1975 in the students' community of her home town. In her musical career she has co-operated with famous Polish bands which sing poetical ballads and country-touring songs.
She has received several awards at Polish musical fesivals and has given concerts in: Germany (Cologne, Karlsruhe, Münster, Saarbrücken, Wuppertal), former Yugoslavia, Prague, Budapest, Australia, USA, Paris.
Private life:
Since 1980 she is married to Andrzej Poniedzielski, poet, song writer and satirist. Poniedzielski has also written lyrics for Adamiak's songs. They have twins, a boy and a girls, born in 1981.