Song review: Buffalo Tom - Autumn Letter

Buffalo Tom Rides a Wave of Nostalgia with "Autumn Letter"

Boston's alt-rock veterans Buffalo Tom return with "Autumn Letter," the lead single from their upcoming album "Jump Rope." The song marks a reunion for the band after a successful post-reunion run, and according to frontman Bill Janovitz, it harks back to a familiar era for Buffalo Tom.

"Autumn Letter" washes over the listener with a wave of classic Buffalo Tom vibes. The big, open chords played high on the fretboard evoke their "Let Me Come Over" period, while a touch of Celtic folk melody adds a unique flavor. The overall sound is a pleasant blend of familiar and fresh, showcasing the band's comfort and growth as seasoned musicians.

Lyrically, the song remains shrouded in some mystery. Janovitz's signature enigmatic vocals deliver lines about an "autumn letter" and a journey "heading west on 444." The imagery evokes feelings of change, reflection, and perhaps a sense of hope. While the full picture remains unclear, the emotional core of the song resonates with a sense of looking back and moving forward.

A Nostalgic Treat for Longtime Fans

Reviews for "Autumn Letter" have been positive, with critics praising its return to a classic Buffalo Tom sound. Fans of the band's earlier work will likely find themselves right at home with the song's familiar melodies and driving rhythm. The track offers a comforting sense of nostalgia without feeling like a pure retread.

A Sign of What's to Come?

As the first single from their upcoming album, "Autumn Letter" sets the stage for what could be a strong return for Buffalo Tom. The song demonstrates the band's ability to revisit their roots while still injecting fresh elements into their sound. For longtime fans, "Autumn Letter" is a welcome return to form. For newcomers, it serves as a solid introduction to a band with a rich musical legacy.