Song review: Clouseau - domino

Clouseau's "Domino" is a song that evokes strong emotions, both positive and negative. Released in 1990 on their album "Of Zo...", it's become a controversial yet undeniably catchy track in their repertoire.

The Allure of Domino:

  • Melodic Masterpiece: "Domino" is lauded for its infectious melody. It lingers in your head long after listening, a testament to its songwriting strength.

  • Melancholic Charm: The song carries a touch of sadness, a melancholic sweetness that resonates with listeners experiencing heartbreak.

The Flip Side of the Coin:

  • Uneven Album Companion: While "Domino" shines, the rest of "Of Zo..." is considered less polished, rushed to capitalize on their debut's success [].

  • Wauters' Wobble: Lead singer Koen Wauters has expressed personal reservations about the song, even feeling "ashamed" of it [De Volkskrant]. This might influence some listeners' perception.

  • Cheese Factor: For some, the romantic lyrics might veer into overly sentimental territory, tipping the scales towards cheese rather than charm.

Live and Kicking:

Despite the mixed feelings, "Domino" remains a crowd favorite at Clouseau concerts. The audience readily engages with the song, proving its enduring power to connect with fans