Song review: Bea Miller - S.L.U.T.
Bea zegt het volgende over dit lied: "The day that I went to the studio to write this song, I was wearing just a cute little skirt and a bodysuit. And I felt good in it, so I wanted to post a picture, because obviously that's when you post pictures of yourself, when you're like, 'I look bomb today!'"
Bea zette de foto op Instagram en reakties kwamen. Een meisje gaf als commentaar: "How could you post this? You're such a slut, how could you be promoting being a slut on your Instagram? So inappropriate that you're not wearing a bra!"
Bea was ontzet en chagarijnig. Ze zegt: "I was pissed off, and I was just bitching about it to the writer and producer I was with that day, Steph and Ido. And I guess while I was in the process of bitching, Steph was just on urban dictionary and put in 'slut' just to see what would come up. And there was an acronym there that said, 'Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing'. And she looked at me and it was like, 'Sweet little unforgettable thing'. how do you feel about that? And I was like, 'We have to write this song!'"