Biography for Gabriel Scar
Artist Name: Gabriel Scar
Name: Gunther
Born: 4 april 1979
Living in: Willebroek (Belgium)
Hobbies: singing of course, going to the movies, games, going out with friends,....
Favourite singers/bands: Nightwish (Finse gothic metal groep).
Gunther Huyghe, also known as Gabriel Scar, started his singing career in February 2004.
The name Gabriel Scar is composed out of 2 parts. The last name SCAR finds its origin in the scar on his left leg. This is a reminder of his period as a competition cyclist. He had an accident and his leg was broken in three places. This, off course, has healed completely by now.
The first name GABRIEL was chosen because his friends always told him that he had the heart of an angel. This was because of the fact that he is always ready to help others. That's why the name of the archangel Gabriel was chosen. Because it also starts with a G, like his real name Gunther.
In those starting years, Glenn (from the well known boysband "Get Ready!") helped him get started, by giving him voice coaching lessons. He finally sent Gabriel through to a very good famale, Dutch opera-singer, in Borgerhout (Belgium). There, Gabriel still takes classical singing lessons. Which he thinks are very important, even if you sing rock songs.
Gabriel has already performed during some big events, like Gentse Feesten (Ghent), Geelse Kanaalfeesten, Donkfeesten in Lier, Leest Sings, Stars Night 2007 (Antwerp Expo), the Netherlands, Scotland, etc.
He also participated in different singing competitions, where he got some very good results. Winner of "Soundmix Boontje 2007", in Asse (Belgium). 2nd place in "Kirvin Goes Live 2008", in Mechelen (Belgium). 2nd in "Mister Voice of The Crew", in Tremelo-Baal (Belgium). 3rd in Diksmuide-Beerst (Belgium) and also in Berlaar (Belgium). And finals in very big competitions like "The Brilliant Voice" (2x), "The Brilliant Voice of Ghent", "Golden Microphones", etc.
Gabriel Scar also writes songs himself. You can listen to the demos that are finished on It's mostly pop-rock and ballads. He's working on a repertoire of his own, with mostly his own songs, filled up with a few beautiful cover songs.
From March 2008 until August 2009 Gabriel Scar performed with Triple-S, a coverband from Malines (Mechelen), with wich he did a lot of shows.
Starting September 2009, Gabriel Scar has his own band project, rehearsing in Lokeren. More information about the band you will find on his site
Gabriel has also already had a few National Television performances
In 2005: Interview on "Man Bijt Hond" (VRT)
In 2007: Singing a song on Jim-TV
In 2009: BIG WINNER of "1 of the 3" on the TV show Muziektoppers (music program), after winning 3 episodes in a row. So, he appeared on television (S-Television) 4 episodes in a row, the first 3 times during one minute, the 4th time with his complete song.
Since July 2010 Gabriel Scar is also working together with booking agency Sfest (, from Londerzeel (Belgium).
Also since 2010 he is working together with Andrés Martínez, who represents him in different countries.