AFI (A Fire Inside)

AFI (A Fire Inside) - Decemberunderground
Published by: Interscope Records
Published in: 2006
Release type: Full CD
About this Album:
I think that this cd could have been way better. There's way better AFI songs out there than Miss Murder and Love Like Winter. I would definetly choose any other AFI cd over this one particularly Sing The sorrow.
5 Comments found
Tuesday 9th of January 2007 02:15
i think afi december underground is a mad cd. i've got it jade is awsome, so is davey and adam and hunter
Saturday 14th of October 2006 20:22
This album was rated good because the boys took a more emo approach than their normal edgy metal sound. I'm not a big emo fan so as you can imagine i was less than pleased that lyrics are still the same however the music isn't the greatest. I would get SING THE SORROW instead of this one.
Friday 4th of August 2006 21:19
This was totally their best cd yet!!! my favorite by far. Im obviously not the only one that thinks that! Davey does great on the vocals, and jade, awesome hair!!! Miss murder is a great song, and so is love like winter. I love 37mm! they never dissapoint their fans with their work. keep it up!
Wednesday 26th of July 2006 12:19
This is a mellow cd. This is the awesome new afi. Jade has some pretty awesome guitar parts. A great album. This not a waste of money. but there is one weird song- 37mm, still cool though. Plus they have an awesome picture of jade and his sweet sideburns!! i dont get whats up with the bunnies. Still this cd is totally worth it. Its morelike lovey type. NOt as much screaming, but oh well. and he does tht awesome "oh" thing in the beginning of killing lights. davey rocks!!!! so does jade and hunter and adam!!!!!! afi rocks!!
Friday 9th of June 2006 13:24
Afi's latest album. It's fantastic. Kill caustic and love like winter really emphazise daveys voice. Go buy it.